Kun Lbokator, traditional martial arts in Cambodia - Buddha Dharma Monk


Kun Lbokator, traditional martial arts in Cambodia


Inscribed in 2022 (17.COM) on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of HumanityKun Lbokator is a martial art dating back to the first century. It aims to develop the mental and physical strength and discipline of its practitioners through self-defence techniques and a philosophy of non-violence. The training of Kun Lbokator is not only about physical techniques and skills, but also about mental disciplines on how to respect nature and behave with decorum in society. Masters, some of whom are believed to have healing and protective powers, lecture their apprentices about their roles and responsibilities in society so that, once they have mastered the necessary skills, they can protect vulnerable communities and the natural environment and stand up for justice and peace. Kun Lbokator is still actively performed as part of ritual offerings to local deities and in other festive events, along with elements such as dance, music and traditional medicine. An embodiment of the country’s social, cultural and religious values, Kun Lbokator is widely practiced among Cambodians, regardless of their age, gender and educational backgrounds or status.© Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts and National Olympic Committee of Cambodia, 2021

_BOKATOR_ Bokator is an ancient battlefield martial art used by ancient Khmer military groups. It is one of the oldest existing fighting systems originating from Cambodia. Bokator is characterized by hand to hand combat along with heavy use of weapons. Bokator uses a diverse array of elbow and knee strikes, shin kicks, submissions and ground fighting.Some of the weapons used in bokator include the bamboo staff, short sticks and the sword. The art contains 341 sets which, like many other Asian martial arts, are based on the study of life in nature. For eg, there are horse, bird, naga, eagle, and crane styles each containing several techniques. Bokator has techniques based on Hindu deities such as hanuman and apsara. The krama shows the fighter’s level of expertise. The first grade is white, followed by green, blue, red, brown, and finally black, which has 10 degrees. for more detail of BOKATOR.(https://km.wikipedia.org)-(https://en.m.wikipedia.org)


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